Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Snowball Effect

Yesterday I blogged about one of my writing students and the slice she wrote over the weekend. Her slice prompted me to write about my mentor teacher during my student teaching. Because of this, I reached out to him for the first time in 22 years. I posted my blog on facebook and he responded to my post with his own slice. I asked if I could share what he wrote. He graciously agreed.

Here is Mr. Petro's Slice from yesterday:


As a teacher I entered the profession to make a difference in the world. I was young, naive, and green. I soon found out that my nights and weekends belonged to paperwork, my classrooms were full of challenges, and the profession never received the validation that other professions received. But, I promised myself that while in my classroom I would strive to make it a piece of heaven. I never, ever said I was going to "work".....I was always going to school. I taught for 37 years.....and, always in fifth grade, and started my first day in September always with the same statement. I told my students that what was in the books was important to learn.....but, they, as "in between agers" would learn more about who they were as a person growing into themselves. Sure, we did the paperwork, the assignments....and struggled through days. But, throughout I hoped to develop children.... emerging. I hoped to model patience, compassion, respect, inquiring minds, and acceptance of all. I confronted bullies and supported victims, denounced the word "gay" as a put down, taught sex education as a way to strengthen young people as they grew and matured. I advocated for the needy, provided lunches for those that came hungry. I attended funerals of parents.....and, sadly of some students. I willingly gave my life to my students......and have never, ever regretted one moment. I compare teaching to being pregnant. You labor for nine months and then deliver them.....

So, what? What matters?


Well after I have retired.....I find that connections made years ago.....find a way back into my life to touch and warm my heart. For example, a child stripped from his family, was thrust into child protective services, foster care, and my classroom. 25 years later he connects to tell me that I "saved his life". Two middle school guys disillusioned, and on the brink of self destruction, were entrusted to me during my lunch hour as their mentor. 30 years later, one a successful business man, the other strong in his church......connecting with me on Facebook and giving me the "thumbs up" for never giving up on them. Or, having coffee with a student from 30+ years ago.... a paratrooper having lost both legs during a tragic fall to earth.....telling me that he learned from me that life goes on.....and, we make the best of it. Or, the gay man (once a fifth grader), coming to me to thank me for understanding that acceptance was something needing to be taught. And, my stories never end......longevity.

And, then today, out of the blue.....another connection. And, such a sweet connection. And, why so sweet, you may ask? Because, Elana....you are on your way to longevity. You touch hearts every day. You make lives better. And, when you least expect it.........you'll find proof.


  1. True signs of a meaningful career—your stories of former students. Your heart only seems to grow warmer over time. Thanks for posting this inspirational slice.

  2. OH wow - what a lovely post. Thank you for sharing this!
