Thursday, March 22, 2018

I Almost Forgot

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up tired?
And your eyes are already burning at 5 am like you never went to sleep?

Have you ever had one of those days where there was so much to do you didn't think you would get it done?
And you worked through your lunch so it would happen?

Have you ever had one of those days where you stop testing because your kids are antsy and it's only been 20 minutes?
And you try out a breathing meditation technique to refocus them and it actually works?

Have you ever had one of those days where your kids that don't normally get it, get it?
And you feel like what you are doing is making a difference?

Have you ever had  one of those days where you just want to go to bed but are too wired from the 12 hours you just spent at work?
And you wonder how in the world you are going to wake up tomorrow because you just can't fall asleep?

That's me. And it has been one of those days.


  1. I totally relate to this blog! This is near everyday as a mom of 4! You are doing a fantastic job as a working mom yourself! The methods you have for teaching our youngsters, your patience! You are amazing! Hope you enjoyed our littlest one :)

  2. Yes, yes, and yes, to all of it! But I feel like I have one of those days more often than not. I hope sleep, rest, and recharging finds you tonight.

  3. Meditation is such an amazing thing! We got through my daughter's stitches (when she had a chin laceration last year) thanks to the Headspace Kids app. Whew!

    I hope you get some extra rest this weekend. Be well.
