Friday, March 23, 2018

I Could Write About That

When I sit down to slice in the evening, I usually have something in mind to write about. I take notice all day of various things that I think would make a good story.

But today is different. 

I am tired. 

Really tired. 

Had conferences last night just can't really think and concentrate kind of tired. 

So tonight, I have a lot of ideas but can't muster enough energy to develop them. 

Here is what I could write about....

I could write about the book I read in college by Alfie Kohn called Punished by Rewards. This is a sore spot with me when teaching our students behavior expectations. 

I could write about the student in my classroom who took a new student under her wing to help her get through missing work because this is the last day of the marking period. 

I could write about the collaboration between the fourth grade writing teacher and myself. I can't wait to have those kids next year. 

I could write about the read aloud I just finished with my writing students, The Wild Robot. And finding out there is a sequel. One of my students came in and told me it was so good he couldn't stop reading it. 

I could write about going to the bookstore this evening to buy the sequel, The Wild Robot Escapes, because I really need to know what happens. 

I could write about how disappointed I am that my son was graded down for making a fragment in his realistic fiction story. It was a beautifully written fragment and fit perfect in his story. 

I could write about how I wish more teachers would teach and allow students to break rules in their writing. This allows for strong voice. 

I could write about the blog post I just read, end of the road, because a friend shared it on Facebook. It was eye opening and a little sad. 

I could.

I could.

I could.

But I won't. 

Because as you know, I am tired. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts no matter how tired or how fragmented. :) I connected with many of your words and look forward to checking out some new books. Hope you rested well.

  2. Oh - this is me tonight. I knew today would be a tough day, but I was so observant! And there were so many possibilities! But they will still be possible tomorrow - and tonight I need to sleep. I love this list, this series of gorgeous moments that could be written. Also, don't tell your son's teachers, but I use fragments and run ons all the time. On purpose.

  3. I just recently had a conversation with some virtual colleagues about breaking the rules in writing. I tell my students they can break them, but they may have future teachers who won't let them and they have to be prepared for that! So sad. I hope you get some rest this weekend! Enjoy!

  4. Love how the competition for attention of everything that's on your mind gets jumbled up and laid out for us here. What a long teacher's day/week you have captured in these words. On a sidenote: I also read End of the Road at your recommendation and it makes me want to cry. If we do not value food, what on earth do we value?

  5. I have those too. Almost every day. Although I rarely start the day with a plan (and when I do, it usually escapes captivity before I can get it down). Running wild with all the other ideas competing for my attention, eventually it will come home -- just not when I need it and am looking too hard for it.

    All the fragments make a mosaic
