Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Those Words

Here they are
the words I want to say
but won't come out
because they are trapped
in my head

Maybe they are waiting
for another day
or time
to make an appearance

I can feel them
on the roof of my mouth
holding on tight
because now is not the time

And then those words
try to escape
through a run
with each step
quicker than the last

But what I want to say
won't come out
because those words
are trapped in each stride

Now those words
try to escape
through my tears
being held hostage
in my eyes

It's not time
not now
maybe never
those words

1 comment:

  1. I read this poem and wonder who it is written to or about. There is clearly something you want to say to that person. I love the stanza about words being trapped on the roof of your mouth.
