Sunday, March 25, 2018

My List

I keep staring at my list of things to do that is kept on a small yellow sticky note. I am not sure how I haven't lost this piece of paper that has no stick. I decided to recreate it here, just in case.

1. Buy Sell Swap-Create a writing marathon based of the NPR show. I found this idea from another blogger and want to adapt it to fifth grade.

2. Young Author Day Books- Organize all fifth grade hairror stories into one document and include each class list. Upload and publish the book on

3. Move Wikis-Since wikispaces is completely disappearing in July, move fifth grade flipping wiki to a new platform and move any other wiki information I care about.

4. Weebly-Work on setting up new weebly to keep information.

5.  Re-certification-I should probably get on this sooner rather than later. Upload all information to the database so my certification is renewed by the expiration date, which would be this June.

6. Writing Marathon for Camp- Create plans for the writing marathon at camp. Email the plans to the director so he can use it for future schools.

7. Coaching- Finishing US Lacrosse Level 1 Training because apparently I missed a few videos.

8. Spartan Writing Camp- Fill out the google form by Monday morning with supplies and information. Send paragraph with information about me and a snapshot of my lovely self.

9. Report Cards-Due Tuesday by 5:00. Input small amount of papers from missing work turned in this past Friday and do comments.


  1. These lists just keep growing and growing. You finish one and just as you take it off, three more have to be put on. The desktop on my computer is filled with digital sticky notes...they never lose their stick. I feel your pain.

  2. Wow! You are amazing! And I love all these writing camp ideas. Good thing you remembered all that was those stickies.

  3. I so want to hear more about the spartan writing and the camp!
